
By joining GeoVITe, all members of the participating institution gain access to a comprehensive range of geodata. GeoVITe therefore not only offers access to geodata for users from classic application areas (such as cartography, architecture or spatial planning), but also students and researchers from other disciplines.

Added value for participating institutions

The institution benefits from the fact that it does not have to run its own geodata infrastructure. The geodata is prepared and provided by GeoVITe. Moreover, the participating institution does not have to conduct its own negotiations with the owners of the data (federal offices, cantons).

Added value for students, tutors and researchers

GeoVITe offers a central search entry point for a comprehensive range of geodata via the metadata catalogue. The data can either be considered directly on the web browser or processed in a GIS programme.


The annual cost of the service is 5'000 CHF.

Interested? Get in touch!

A prerequisite for participation in GeoVITe is connection by one’s own institution (Swiss universities, i.e. universities, universities of applied sciences and universities of teacher education) to SWITCHaai. In addition, contracts with GeoVITe and the data owners are needed to obtain access to the services.